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First Steps
Early Intervention Services

The Possibilities Are Endless

Our goal at First Steps is to prepare children and families for the next stage of their lives through the development of motor abilities, effective communication, thinking skills and healthy interactions with their peers. We know you want the best for your child and we're here to help! Keep reading to learn more!

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First Steps Early Intervention Services

Learning Through Play

Early Intervention…

  • Is the term used to describe the services and supports that are available to babies and young children with developmental delays and disabilities and their families.

  • May include speech therapy, physical therapy, and other types of services based on the needs of the child and family.

  • Can have a significant impact on a child’s ability to learn new skills and overcome challenges and can increase success in school and life.

  • Programs are available in every county in the state of Kentucky.

Play-based interventions are practices designed to improve social-emotional, physical, language, and cognitive development through guided interactive play. During sessions, an early intervention provider uses strategies including modeling, verbal redirection, reinforcement, and indirect instruction to sustain and encourage child play activities. Through the use of appropriate play materials and the direction of the interventionist, the goal is for young children with disabilities to be better able to explore, experiment, interact, and express themselves. 

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All About First Steps

What We Do

What is First Steps?

First Steps is Kentucky’s Early Intervention System (KEIS) that serves children from birth to age three who have a developmental delay or a particular medical condition that is known to cause a developmental delay. First Steps services are provided  statewide and coordinated by the lead agency, Cabinet for Health Services. Anyone in your community, including yourself, can call the district Point of Entry (POE) office to refer a child suspected of having a delay to the First Steps service system.

Is My Child Eligible for First Steps Services?

With your permission, staff from the district POE office will visit your family, explain the First Steps program, assign a Service Coordinator, and arrange for an evaluation, if needed, to determine if your child will be eligible for services. This evaluation is a procedure to see if your child has a significant delay in one or more of the following skill areas: communication, mobility, learning, social, emotional, and adaptive/self-help. If the evaluation shows that your child is eligible because of a developmental delay or established risk condition, (particular medical condition) then the POE will work with you and your child to arrange the necessary services.

What is the Individual Family Service Plan?

The Service Coordinator, along with your family, physician, and the evaluation team, will design an Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP), identify needed resources, then obtain and coordinate early intervention services for your child and your family. For example, if the evaluation shows a delay in communication, speech therapy may be necessary. Therefore, the Service Coordinator will inform you about all the speech therapists in your area, and you may choose the therapist that fits your needs. Once all the service providers are identified, this team meets with you to complete the IFSP. This should be done within 45 days. The Service Coordinator will serve your family until your child leaves the First Steps Program. Services are individualized and based on your child’s need. The IFSP will be reviewed at least every 6 months and adjusted by the Service Coordinator and family as needed.

What is the cost of First Steps Services to My Family?

Evaluation and assessment to determine your child’s needs and service coordination is at no cost to the family. For other services identified in the IFSP, First Steps requires families, based on the sliding fee scale, to contribute a modest amount toward payment for the services their child receives. Based on your total household income you may or may not be asked to make this “Family Share” contribution. The contribution amounts range from $0 to a maximum of $50 per month for each month your child receives services. If your child is eligible for the Kentucky Medical Assistance Program (KMAP) of KCHIP then KMAP or KCHIP will cover most First Steps costs. You may use your private health insurance if you choose to, but you are not obligated to do so. Doing so may reduce or eliminate your “Family Share” contribution. Check with your insurance carrier to fully learn what your private health insurance will cover and if there are any restrictions.

What are my Rights as a First Steps Family?

You have specific rights under the First Steps Program. The Family Rights Handbook fully explains each of your rights and how to exercise them. As a First Steps family, you have the right to:

  • Choose the services you want for your child based on the evaluation.

  • Give written permission to share your child’s personal information.

  • Review all records.

  • Receive a written notice before a change is made in your child’s IFSP.

  • Have any complaints heard through a process explained in the Family Rights Handbook.

What Happens As My Child Approaches His/Her Third Birthday?

Children in the First Steps Program are eligible for services until their third birthday. In order to help you learn about and decide on available services for your child after leaving First Steps, a Transition Planning Meeting must be held at least 90 days prior to your child’s third birthday. This transition Planning Meeting will be coordinated by your Primary Service Coordinator. The meeting may be attended by you, your Primary Service Coordinator, your child’s service providers and invited staff from any of the program(s) in your community for three to five year-olds that you and your Service Coordinator identify as appropriate, such as Head Start, the local school district, etc. This meeting will provide important information about those programs and outline how to pursue getting your child enrolled in the program of your choice.

**This information can also be found on the First Steps website. For more information, please visit

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Available Services

Service Professionals

  • Speech Therapist

  • Physical Therapist

  • Occupational Therapist

  • Developmental Interventionist

  • Behavior Interventionist

  • Deaf and Hard of Hearing Teacher

  • Visually Impaired Teacher

  • Audiology

Feel free to give us a call with any questions!

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Service Coordinators

  • Guide families through the First Steps program.

  • Coordinate developmental evaluations and gather other records used to determine eligibility.

  • Assist families to obtain on-going services for eligible children.

  • Assist families in locating other community resources for additional help for the family.

Please get in touch with any questions. We’re always happy to help.

First Steps Early Intervention Services (FIVCO and Gateway Counties) Mission

Empowering Families

From language development to social skills and self-help, the children and families within First Steps Early Intervention Services are constantly being exposed to activities to promote development and functioning to lead their best life possible. We build on the strengths and interests of each child and family to help build a solid foundation where they can develop their futures. Get in touch to learn more about us.

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Contact Us

If you, your child’s doctor, or other care provider is concerned about your child’s development, ask to be connected with your state or territory’s early intervention program to find out if your child can get services to help. If your doctor is not able to connect you, you can reach out yourself. A doctor’s referral is not necessary.
If your child is under age 3: Call us and say: “I have concerns about my child’s development and I would like to have my child evaluated to find out if he/she is eligible for early intervention services.”

5850 US-60
Ashland, Boyd County 41101

(606) 929-9155

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